1. The clutch should be kept clean and often lubricated. Once the clutch return is difficult, the dust at the junction between the clutch and the transmission shaft should be cleaned and lubricating oil added.
2. Air filter, according to the working environment, normal 3-5 days with gasoline or diesel clean once, and then fill with oil as required.
3. Track used for a period of time to adjust the tightness.
4. Turn off the battery switch after the machine is used.
5. When the clutch is pressed to the end, the steering must lift the farm tools.
6. When changing the gear, step on the clutch to the end, pick the previous gear to the end, and make sure to hang the new gear on the neutral (so that the service life of the gearbox will be longer)
7. Because of the large vibration of the single-cylinder machine, it is necessary to regularly check whether the screws of the machine are loose.